Success Principle


Do you believe in the Principle “Give More to Get More”?  This is a Jack Canfield Success Principle.  I have heard you should give more of what you want.  If you want help then help other people.

A real life example of this that I can think of is if you want to learn more about small business for example you should help or when possible work for someone who runs a small business.

Working for a small business could take many different forms from consulting on projects (think marketing, accounting, website work) or working there full or part time.

I learned a lot for working for small business and am rather glad I didn’t get hired by a large firm out of college.

***Side tip for those of you working for other people when you can work for a small business if you thing you ever want to own or be a partner in one

***And work choose the experience and the people you work with rather than just taking a job for more money $$.

I see this thought as being related to Giving more to Get more.  “Be more of what you want to have, or want to attract”.

Do you want a fun job or relationship?  Well dare I suggest you be and have more fun your self outside of work and at work.

So Give more of what You Want and Be more of What you Want.

Bringing this all together is the exercise of Feeling the feelings of what you want.

What did I really just bring up “Feelings” what is this all about?  Well feelings are what we are all really looking for when it comes to Getting More of Something or Having something.

Many of us have heard of Athletes using Visualization (and maybe some of us have tried this to help us accomplish a goal or dream).

I’m suggesting you implement the practice of figuring out what feeling you are searching for in your quest to have more

  • money

  • time

  • notoriety

  • love

  • fans

  • ________________

I don’t think many people have taken the time to figure out why they actually want the things they want.

Once you figure out the feeling you are searching for you can take huge strides by finding the satisfaction of feeling that feeling NOW.

How can you do that?  Find anything you can think about which provides that feeling.

Maybe you are wanting love?  If you are lucky enough to have a loving pet feel the love of you pet.

Are you really wanting to feel secure when you want to have more money.  Find thoughts and memories that foster the feelings of security.

Please share your thoughts and what you have found out about your desires by taking the time to find the feelings your really searching for.

And can you give more to others of what you yourself want to feel?